Friday, June 18, 2010

Here at last!

I am finally here in Germany, and it is soo worth the long, lonely flights. Everything is so green and alive here in a different way than it is in Utah. It is a whole new world. My eyes are already being opened to the beauty of experiencing new things I'm not accustomed to, and it is only the first day!

As my sweet daddy took me to the airport yesterday for my flight to Chicago, I was undeniably emotional! I tried to hide my tears with my sunglasses, but there's no foolin' daddy-o. He simply said to me, "You know, Ali, you're gonna have to take off those glasses in a few seconds anyways..."! All I could do was nod in agreement. I still don't know why I was crying... I was so excited and ready for this! Deep down inside though, I was nervous and wasn't sure if I was ready to do this, to go out into the real world (literally). I knew that from the moment he left, everything was up to me. I was adult-Ali now. I had made this choice, and now I would follow through with it.

Sure enough, I was able to calm my ridiculous self down, and I got on the flight to Chicago just fine. I daydreamed of running into a special someone there but of course knew it would never happen! Once in Chi-Town, I occupied myself with a book recommended by my fabulous motha', some tunes from my iPod, and a nasty burrito from an overpriced Mexican joint. After calling every member of my family one last time, it was time to board. But this time... I was ready!

The chica I sat next to on the plane seemed super nice! She smiled, said hello, and sat down next to me. I introduced myself to her and asked how she was doing. She smiled, laughed, and that was all. I didn't understand why on Earth the girl didn't respond!!!? How rude she was being! It wasn't until the flight attendant asked what she'd like for dinner and the girl answered in German, that I realized I am a complete idiot! lol

Other than that though, the flight went smoothly (except for the turbulance in the middle of the night). I tried to sleep but ended up just walking around to stretch out the legs and back. I swear, sometimes I feel like a ninety year-old granny. After they fed us a frozen breakfast roll (it still had the frost on it) in the morning, we landed in Germany! Hooray!!! I, so adultlike, got off the plane, strolled over to customs/baggage claim, and all went well! I even had time to exchange $10 for Euros and call Em before she got there!

Emily was so wonderful and made me feel at home from the moment I set foot in her beautiful home! It has been an awesome first day spent with the kids. Claire and I have already gone bug-catching, painted nails, and gone to the park. She even gave my "cinnamon skin" (as she calls it) an eyeshadow makeover! ;) We leave for Switzerland this Sunday. No more sad or scared Ali here. Just excited-and-eager-to-see-the-world-Ali, so bring on the day, baby! Bring it on!


  1. I am SO looking forward to hearing all about your adventures!! Way to go flying all by yourself! I had to fly all alone from chicago to salt lake two years ago and i was sooooo nervous. Have a spectacular time in Germany! You are so freaking lucky! love you!

  2. I'm so excited for you Ali. You will have a blast. I can't wait to hear all about it. Your adventure is definitely in a better place than mine this summer :) I'm jealous

  3. ALI! I am so happy you are there safe and sound! I'm so excited to hear all about it when you get back! I want to keep in contact adn I know we will! I miss you already and I want to play but you are growing up and I'm just sitting in California being a little kid playing in the sand.. A little different settings but I love you so much! please keep in touch!
    I love you SOOOOO much!

  4. Ali -
    I loved your song choice, "Bring on the Day." Remember that as the days go on haha! We just got back from St. George and I am so happy to finally be able to communicate with you more! Check your email because I am about to write to you on it. I love you!

  5. Ang-Thank you soo much! :) haha It has been quite the adventure so far. Stay in touch. Love you!

    Abby-I'm following your blog too! You and Jordan are so awesome, and mine is not better at all, just different! :)

    Kelsey Edman!!!! haha I love you so much!! K what ev, sand castles are da bomb! I am wishin' I was in the warm sand right now... it's freezing here in Switzerland! Ah! We definitely will keep and touch, and yes, indeed we'll play asap when I get home! :)

    Thanks for the love everyone! xo
